Designing small and compact bathrooms has many dangers. In addition to a sensible division of space, the choice of colors and shapes is also immensely important. This sympathetic bathroom with its bright walls, rounded but at the same time clear object shapes and a contrasting floor shows how small/compact spaces can become open spheres of life.
Serpentine Rainforest Gold was chosen as the floor covering. The extravagant natural stone with an ocher base tone is crisscrossed by reddish lifelines, which can even be felt as such thanks to the “leathered” surface finish. The white bathtub clearly stands out due to the contrast and seems almost floating. Large-format wall panels made of homogeneous Limestone Persiano limestone enlarge the space with their light hue and are also the visually supporting element in the bathroom.
Completely according to the customer’s wishes, an individual washbasin was designed and milled from a solid block.
“Mit seinen fühlbaren Adern bringt der wunderschöne Marmorboden uns ein Stück Natur ins Haus und kreiert gleichzeitig eine entspannnende Atmosphäre im Badezimmer.”
Personal consultation, individual project planning and a good conversation – that’s how your project starts with us. We realize natural stone dreams.
Robert Radermacher AG
Pützhag 18
4730 Raeren
Tel: +32 87 85 80 00
Fax: +32 87 85 80 08
Mo-Fr: 07:30 – 17:30
Sa: On appointment