To work a beautiful stone, to form from it a wonderful wall covering, a noble bath or even just a window sill or a stair step – that is our passion. As one of the oldest companies in our industry in the region, we can look back on a long tradition and are proud to continue the work of our ancestors.
In 1848, Leonard and Wilhelm Radermacher, the forefathers of today’s Radermacher family, acquired a concession to quarry blue limestone in the Raeren district of Pützhag. Continuous quarrying until the Second World War, steam-driven machines for further processing of the raw blocks and an attached stonemasonry workshop characterize this era.
In the following gallery from the 1960s you can see the first production buildings and warehouses as well as an original invoice from 1863 for delivered bluestone.
1848: Foundation of the company by the brothers Leonard and Wilhelm Radermacher in the Pützhag district of Raeren.
1966: Repurchase of the old business with open quarry by Robert Radermacher. A continuous transformation into a contemporary workshop for high-quality stonemasonry and marble work as well as the approval as a training company lay the foundation for the following decades.
1978: Installation of the first bridge saw
1981: First extension to the gutted quarry stone wall with additional block saw
1983: Roger Radermacher starts his career
1988: Second extension with machine upgrade for granite processing
1991: Michael Radermacher starts his career
1993: Entry into water jet sawing technology
1996: Conversion of the front operating area into a showroom
2011: Simon Radermacher starts his career
2016: New acquisition of a 5-axis CNC machine with rotating and swiveling work spindle
2020: New acquisition of a 5-axis water jet machine
2021: Start of extensive infrastructure adjustments
Whether flooring or stair covering in natural stone, ceramic, quartz composite or granite, whether interior design or bathroom in natural stone, marble, granite or ceramic, whether a window sill made of marble or granite – today we are the specialist company for natural stone, quartz composite, marble and ceramics in East Belgium, also for europeen area.
Robert Radermacher AG
Pützhag 18
4730 Raeren
Tel: +32 87 85 80 00
Fax: +32 87 85 80 08
Mo-Fr: 07:30 – 17:30
Sa: On appointment